What's Make A Great Teacher?
Teaching as a Profession: Fostering Lifelong Learning and Growth Teachers are a blessing from God. Teachers are the ones who indirectly build the nation and the human being. They teach students the knowledge and morals that are imperative for one’s life. Without a teacher, there would be no engineers who build bridges and skyscrapers. Without a teacher, there will be no specialist doctor that can treat patients in need. And without a teacher, there would be no economist at the Central Bank who ensures the stability of our nation’s economy. Our lives are full of the services of teachers. Besides teachers at school, without us knowing, people around us are also teachers in our daily lives, such as our parents, friends, or even our community in our residential neighborhoods. In this digital age, knowledge is accessible anywhere and anytime. These issues certainly alleviate the reliance of students on their teachers. Nevertheless, the imperatives of the teacher will never be denied. ...